Thursday, March 11, 2010

wednesday wishlist. better late than never!

hello kitty sewing machine
to match my toaster

this cute little dining nook

pink layer socks

loverly dress 
plus some pretty gray boots!

panda pouch

some sunshine and a clothesline

messy braid

*  all the hardwood floors already laid in the new house
* movers
* a decorator

more about the house later!


  1. I love those pink socks, the dress, sun/clothesline and the messy braid a lot. I'm so glad that messy hair is considered "fashionable" this spring. My hair doesn't really do anything outside of messy. cute post

  2. I think those knee socks are the cutest ever. Justin happens to think knee socks are sexy so I better get myself a pair!

  3. I ditto all of these, especially the messy braid! My hair seemed to be growing for awhile, but now it's slowing down, boo. I'm sick of short hair!
