Sunday, May 23, 2010

goodwill is my drug. blue and orange.

my recent blue and orange thrifted goodies.
love these signs.
i had green ones in college.
anyone know where they are from?
or who made them?
I adore her gingham dress.
curtains in the office room.
remind me of our couch growing up.

sweetest little apple of my eye jumper for Annie


actually from my Mammie not Goodwill.
it was my Mammie E's (great grandma)

all photos by me.

the boyf's mom and dad bought a house on the river.
headed down there for the day.
Happy Sunday!


  1. your curtains are uuuhhh-mazing! i went to the goodwill on friday, and i haven't had much luck the last few times, but it was good to me that day; so good in fact, i couldn't buy everything i wanted because i didn't have enough money on me! looks like i'll be going back soon (and hopefully no one will have snatched the things i want).

  2. I love that blue pyrex! These are all great finds. Have a happy Sunday!

  3. OOo great finds!! And how awesome...a house on the river! Fun weekend! Oh and for some reason you were in my dream last night...Don't ask me why or how?! lol. <333

  4. fabulous finds! and a house on a river... sigh ... how lovely!

  5. Wow...these are really great finds!
