Thursday, May 20, 2010

my hometown is ten shades of amazing

someday when Josh and I get married
our reception will be here
and it will be FREE.
a local businessman offers this awesome venue
for the community to use for events
for free.
he rocks.

I bought Liberty of London scarves on clearance
and used them to create pure awesomeness in our bathroom.
Josh's reaction: "it looks like Cher's bathroom."

and some art journal pages

Happy Thursday!


  1. I love what you did with those Liberty of London scarves! What a fantastic idea!

  2. Look at you! So crafty!! Great job on the bathroom! Looks fab...Art journal pages look so lovely toooo <333

  3. Awesome venue! Love what you did with the scarves! So lovely and brilliant! Great pages!
    Hope you're having a great day! xo

  4. your bathroom looks freakin awesome!

    i always wished my journal looked pretty, but it just doesn't, not like yours!

  5. That reception location looks amazing! How cool of that guy to offer it for free. I love things like that. :)

    Also, your art journal pages are gorgeous! Mine still aren't turning out quite the way I picture them in my head. Yours are great inspiration!

  6. I love that venue!! Where is it? It's so cute!

  7. amazing

  8. What a great venue! And I love the bathroom, you're right it is pure awesomeness
