Saturday, May 1, 2010

sooooooo i lost my camera

I really wanted to blog about all the new house stuff
and my 6 inch hair loss
and my art journal.
but I have misplaced my camera.
so here is what you get instead.
I splurged and bought:
cutest camper kit

boring shower curtain.
I have had the cutest pink Tommy shower curtain forever
(it feels like corduroy)

but I thought I would be nice to Josh.
I am sure the pink-ness will return.
I really wanted this one, but I was
afraid it bordered on a kids abc print.

paint for my art journal.
so inspired.
{unknown source}

I found some amazing stuff at good will last weekend!
{bathroom curtains.vintage yellow present for josh.}
can't wait to show you!

We finished moving everything from the townhouse today.
I feel relieved.

our curtains in the living room are this mustard color
{no stars}
and they are surprisingly really pretty.

ok gotta get ready to go out, happy Saturday!!


  1. Ugh sorry to hear about your camera! I would die without mine. My husband would love to have a break from my camera though! ha ha. I stop every two feet we go to take pictures. Lovely post, even without your personal camera. It's fun to see what people buy.


  2. You're the second blogger I know that's art journaling and it sounds so fun. Who doesn't need more paint? :)

  3. Hey Anna! Thanks for stopping by POP Fizz! I love the camper set from RVA-- you're so lucky to have gotten one :o)

    I'm sorry you didn't win the Freckled Nest giveaway, but registration is still open for the e-courses. Hope to see you there!

    xo Nicole

  4. Totally in love with that xoxo. bracelet! Jealousss! Sorry you lost your camera! Hope you had a great weekend!! <333 Michelle

  5. ooo we need to chat on curtains haha. my new house has quite the variety... almost all of which i want to replace! not sure where to start
