Monday, June 7, 2010


my head is hurty

watching Kate plus 8.
it kinda makes me feel guilty, not sure why.
her new long hair freaks me out.
waiting for J to get home.
he didn't have to work this week.

some pretty visual inspiration for you.
days on the river are never ever this glamorous

dear clogs, glad you're back. 


something blue


  1. Is the "kissing" picture from Post Secret? It's so cool!

  2. i saw kate plsu 8 last night (well, a few minutes of it) and it's really strange seeing her with long hair!

    i missed my clogs when they went on a style vacation. i'm happy to be able to wear them again!

  3. love the kissing picture!

  4. Those boots are crazy!
    And yes Kate's hair. Totally freaks me out. No wonder your head hurt.

  5. that dress is ridiculous...ridiculously lovely ;)

    re: bikeride to work...Anna! you can most certainly learn to ride a bike at any age! So many friends of mine have done it in their 20s and they are so happy they did...I say you should take a chance and go for it!

  6. I love that photo collage!
