Thursday, October 21, 2010

stuff i love

inspired by Danielle
here are a few pictures from around my house.

on the fridge.
-Juliette Lowe postcard
-star magnets from amish country
-Love Your Neighbor poster for Nashville flood relief
-picture of the fam in 1983. (I'm the littlest.)

ruffle shower curtain
and super soft martha stewart rug 
that I got for $10 because they had the signs posted wrong.

my Mammie E (great grandma Ethel) was the queen of quilt making.
These are 2 of my favorites.
The fabric on the left is amazing, I wish I could find some to make my own.
because I am afraid these will fall apart someday.
The quilt on the right was my mom's bedspread in 1st grade.

the corner cupboard in the kitchen.
teapot from my Mammie
the cardinal is a perfume bottle and it was my Mam-Maw's
teacup and saucer from a friends bridal shower
blue bird from Adena
 calf and thermos- both thrifted


  1. i absolutely LOVE your ruffled shower curtain :)

  2. cute things. Love shower curtain and tea pot
