Tuesday, March 29, 2011

disneyland anyone?

I have never been to Disney Land.
(I spent my summer vacations at the county fair with an occasional excursion to Cedar Point)
photo by Allister Ann

I am still 98 percent sure I want to Tinker Bell.

photo sources here


  1. Disney is one of my absolute favorite places ever!

    AND I also love Cedar Point, used to drive down from Michigan all the time.

  2. Disneyland is definitely a bucket list item that must be crossed off before you die. I have great memories of my parents taking me there when I was a little girl and now that I live in Los Angeles I can take them when they come to visit from Denver. I'd have to say that the best part is watching little kids when they see their favorite character or something that just amazes them. :)

  3. I love, love, love the photo of the giant teacups! Oh, Disneyland. I await the day I am able to visit you. For now I have to be contented with Dreamworld in Gold Coast - it's only an hour away from where I live! Hee.

    Trust all's well with you, Anna! <3

  4. Pretty good post.
    this was truely a wonderful read. wish more blogs were more like this blog. great work.

    Universal Studios
