Thursday, March 3, 2011

weekend adventures

a few things...
1. kraft homestyle mac and cheese is actually good!
I added extra shredded cheese and I was pretty impressed
with the yumminess.
2. i wore my red cowboy boots to the jason aldean concert this weekend
love him.
she's all Country,from her cowboy boots to her down home roots 
She's country, from the songs she plays to the prayers she prays, 
That's the way she was born and raised, she ain't afraid to stay, country 

3. my dog is adorable and you should vote for her in the MVP contest here

4. this collection makes me smile
and reminds me of days at my family's laundromat.

5. I am addicted to Deadwood

there is something about historical dramas I love.
(Boardwalk Empire, Rome, The Tudors)


  1. My parents watched Deadwood, I would probably like it since I love Boardwalk Empire. What network is Rome on?? that sounds right up my ally. I'm glad to hear the mac n cheese was good, I want to try it sometime.

  2. Rome is on HBO but it got cancelled after 2 seasons. loved it! Owen from Grays Anatomy was a lead.
