Thursday, August 4, 2011

stuff i love lately


Lulu Frost stacking rings via Blue Moss Girls

stripes, wrangler, AND, denim? need it

 excessively messy hair 
on the acne resort runway

i'll take that blazer in sunshine please
via j.crew


  1. Those rings are great but a little too rich for my blood. :(

    ♥ sécia

  2. Love the blazer! The jeans with it are pretty amazing too. I wonder what they look like on!

  3. I have a few pairs of jeans like that, I think they were made for tall people. Or short girls that wear mega high heels. Sadly I am neither so I end up looking like I borrowed my big sister's pants :(

    oh & on the rings... I know, super expensive. I am on the hunt for a cheaper version.
