Monday, November 28, 2011

hedge apple hunting

I spent Saturday morning hanging out with my favorites.
We went hedge apple hunting and drank chocolate milk.
I came out on the porch and found Annie sharing her milk with her brother.
Isn't this the cutest thing ever?

cuter than Christmas.

they're only 14 months apart and inseparable.

then we went on the search of  hedge apples 
(they are supposed to keep spiders out of your house in the winter)

and I love this moment that annie and my mom were having in the kitchen.
she must get all of her fashion sense from me: pj pants and cowboy boots

how was your holiday/weekend?


  1. so sweet. gotta love those times when they are lovin' on one another.

    i used to scrap long long ago and miss it. it takes too much time to just pull everything out...digi scraping...hmmm.

    love your style!

  2. so cute, love the layout too! and no way would i be caught sharing my chocolate milk with anyone, ha
    xo TJ

  3. That is so adorable. I'm loving that digital scrapbooking...I might just try that over winter break!

    Courtney Lane

  4. children are just the most amazing creatures in the worls..they always make you smile and laugh. they're simply amazing! your kids are so cute!

  5. So cute!

    ♥ sécia

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