Tuesday, May 4, 2010

dreams cost money

things we need in our house.
that Josh will never let happen.
silly boy.
doesn't he know women rule the world?
this blue hanging chair from anthro.
it's only $498 ;)
we had one of these on our back porch of our trailer growing up.
and i know my Dad sure as hell didn't pay 500 bucks for it.

I would settle for this one.

a green bath tub. with feet.
I like this yellow one too.

a white sectional.
it would be covered in oreo crumbs and orange pop.

pink fridge

or pink walls

he actually might agree to a cow chair.

or rug

and definitely no teepee.

or shoe hutch.

boys suck.
true story.


  1. haha this is such a cute list. after living with boys for 2 years i feel your pain. i am definitely getting an indoor swing one day though. a teepee would be fun too.

  2. that teepee is way cute =] i love the swings too!

  3. SHOE HUTCH, I need it. :)

  4. Oh I love the blue swinging chair at the top!
    I also think I need a shoe hutch.

  5. Guys tend to shy away from pink walls and furniture... Such spoil sports!

    LOVE that green bath tub!

  6. What a great way to get inspired this morning! For the record, if you start just doing some of these things, he may eventually like them... Husband's used to the girly-ness now! :)

  7. LOVE the white sectional... and the shoe hutch is amazing. I need more pretty shoes to put in it. flip flops just would not do.

  8. Hahaha love it! I totally love the shoe hutch! <333 Michelle

  9. I just love everything you post about. You have cutest blog :)
    and ask your dad where he got his hangey egg chair!

  10. i need ALL of that. ESPECIALLYYYY the pink fridge.

    josh doesn't like long showers OR pink fridges!!!! that's two strikes!!!!


  11. drooling over the pink fridge. :)

  12. i need the blue hanging chair.
    but i don't have enough money to have the blue hanging chair.
    what a terrible day. i'm going back to bed.
