Wednesday, May 5, 2010

the stuff i love.

I have been working on my art journal.
(and loving it)
here are the 1st two pages.
p.s. this class is beyond amazing! 
so so inspiring.

I found my camera on Sunday which was perfect timing 
for Kam's Baptism. So thrilled to be her God-momma.
isn't she the cutest?

I found Josh the most amazing trav-l-bar at Goodwill.
it has little mini golf club utensils.

Wendy, you were right. 
I couldn't wait, I gave it to him the minute he got
home from Talladega (at 5 am).

and after my Momma and I dug through mounds of linens we discovered
these vintage green curtains for the bathroom. My treasure of the day.

I still despise our bathroom shelves.
but the Liberty of London crates make me happy.

Mariah and I just spent an hour in our ghetto Kmart.
The country living line is perfect.
I want their patio furniture inside my house!


  1. cool! what class are you taking?

  2. its by rachel & elsie at red velvet art. i love it!

  3. love your journal pages we have the same case in the same condition how cool!!!!


  4. im loving your journal!

    and that red bench is kmart! nooooo way!

  5. your art journal looks great!!! love it! <333 Michelle

  6. Oh wow, Anna, your journal pages are AMAZING! I just started to list what I love about them, and then realized that doing so would make this comment ridiculously long, since absolutely every element is perfect. So inspiring - I can't wait to see more!

    Also, awesome travel bar! We have one, but it doesn't have cool golf accessorie. Using ours always makes me feel like it's the 60s again, haha!

  7. I LOVED doing my art journal when I was in school! I love what you have so far.

    I never would have thought that a ghetto K-Mart would have something that cute in there!

  8. amazing looking journal! those green curtains rock haha :)

  9. girl way to go with the journal! definately been on the the to do list for quite some time...

  10. Kmart is such a ghetto. haha totally agree. PS when does that class start again... can I just jump in? I wanna join! (I feel like I am begging you to let me in the cool club at school!)

  11. Great journal pages - I've just started an art journal and I'm loving it :)

  12. hey eoi got jacob one too! but no golf clubs...inside there is a booklet of happy hour drinks.i framed it!
    love finds at goodwill!
