Wednesday, November 17, 2010

my dog has a.d.d.

have I told you lately how pretty my dog is?

and she wakes up super early with me on saturday mornings
to help me make cinnamon rolls.

we hung out on the kitchen floor and waited for Josh to wake up.
I get up at 6 or 7 am on the weekends and he sleeps forever.
thank God my pup has ADD just like her momma.

isn't her pet diner cute?
I bought it here
(it's real wood and it was only 20 bucks)

I love her face.


  1. SO CUTE! Just bought that pet diner set! I have been looking for something like that!!! <333

  2. her nose looks like a heart!
    ur blog is adorable. xo.

  3. WE love our pooches!!! I seriously don't know how anyone can live without a dog!!

  4. ohh.. she´s so cute. you´re right!
    i love dogs! dogs are the best friends!!!
    i´m glad that there are dogs in my life. i also have a dog.. her name is giny, and she always wants to play with me in the morning (she´s still a puppy! haha) but then i have to go to school.. so there isn´t much time to play with her in the morning! but when i come home she´s always so happy!!! i love her!!

    I hope you have a nice week with your dog!
    xoxo, pink lady ♥

  5. She is so adorable! How can you say no to that face? Enjoy a wonderful day, Kellie xx

  6. PRECious! I love dogs and yours is so cute!

  7. So so cute!! Is she a pittie? I love her blue eyes.

  8. Aww yes, look at those eyes! And that soft sweet nose! What a cutie! Aren't pets the best?!

    xo Mary Jo
