Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pappy's whiskey

these past few weeks have been filled with heaps of family time..

these are my Pappy's whiskey bottles.
when he built the house he built the family room and these amazing shelves
specifically for his collection.
I have spent my whole life looking at them and dreaming up stories about each one.
They are in the background of almost every childhood photo.

I couldn't get them all in one shot.
they span the whole room!

and I found this treasure in their basement.
I cannot wait to fix it up!

Happy Thanksgiving eve.


  1. That Oreo turkey is SO cute!!

  2. i´m passing the "one lovely blog award" to you! <3

    have a nice week!
    xoxo, pink lady ♥

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Anna! I know you are surrounded by your big loving family and I hope you are having a wonderful holiday!

  4. Oh wow, that whiskey bottle collection is amazing! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
